The World Adult Resources Policy of WOSM, the international federation that reaches the most Scouts in the world, provides great flexibility to the national Scouting organizations in the countries to develop their own training schemes / patterns.
Based on this philosophy, Gilwell Turkey adopts the following principles in order to best meet the special needs of Turkey's adults.
We adopt as a main principle to consider the cultural characteristics of our country, while constantly developing and implementing our education system, which puts its feet on the lands of our geography, in which traditional and modern education techniques are fed into each other in harmony.
Scouting organizations and Gilwell practitioners around the world, including WOSM, foresee that two- or three-stage systems can be applied for the training of trainers.
According to this principle, the Assistant Leader Trainer (3 Boards) in the first stage, and the Leader Trainer (4 Boards ) in the second stage. intended to be cultivated.
In some countries (Gilwel Turkey adopts this method), the first phase is divided into two phases and thus Three Stages of Education is given.
First stage , Assistant Leader Instructor Assistant (WB2) ( Course for Assistant Leader Trainers - CALT) raising leaders who have the potential to be developed as
The second stage is the Course for Leader Trainers (CLT) of Assistant Leader Trainers (WB3) . upbringing;
In the third stage , he worked in the WB2 and WB3 courses and rose to the WB4 level. Leader Trainers (WB4) ( Leader Trainers - LT)
focuses on development.
Actually, there is no course called WB4 Training. Trainings at this level takes place by various methods. Scout Leaders, who have received WB3 training through seminars, conferences, open sessions, etc. and work in the field as a Leader Trainer, are a kind of team to improve their knowledge and evaluate innovations in Scouting and in the world.
They apply in-service training model.
Gilwell Turkey is trying to realize this issue.
You can watch his trainings under the following 4 SCOUT heading:
In the following sections, you will read articles summarizing the principles, goals and objectives of the first two of the Tricycle Training, the 2 Boards (WB2 ) and the 3 Boards (TTT) .
Thank you for your attention.
Gilwell Turkey 1954